Title: Dark Ride Year: 2006 Genre: Horror / Thriller Directed: Craig Singer Cast:Jamie-Lynn DiScala,Patrick Renna,David Clayton Rogers,Alex Solowitz... SUBs: Dutch A decade has nearly passed since psychopath Jonah brutally murdered two teenage girls. Now, after nearly 10 years of being incarcerated in a mental institute, Jonah has somehow escaped and has returned to his turf - an amusement park attraction named "Dark Ride". Unknowingly, a group of six friends on their way to a road trip and have just boarded the ride, unaware of the deadly plans Jonah has for them. This ride is the last one they're ever gonna take.. Runtime: 1:30:16 Country: USA Quality:DVDRip Video: XviD-1.0-RC4-05062004, 23.976 fps , 650 kbps Audio: AC3,6ch,448 kbps Resolution: 592 x 336 Size: 700 MB http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4I9UOUO3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LNJG82P4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A2XXUFI9